Welcome to
Hope Lutheran Church

Mission Statement

God calls us to Mission and Ministry in our rural community and to the world.  Gathered in Faith and nurtured by Word and Sacraments, we commit ourselves to share a hope for the future, to use our resources
and talents guided by the Holy Spirit, and to work together to expand our ministry to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ.
Hope and St Paul’s Lutheran Churches seek to strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ, to proclaim the Gospel to others and to strive for unity in Christ.  Our mission is to serve the spiritual needs of its members and to spread the Good News of salvation to the community and the world by acts of kindness, caring and generosity. We are a congregation rich in talent and resources, and the Holy Spirt is present
through the many people who are dedicated to the word of God.  There are musicians, teachers, and volunteers who are willing to take on leadership roles. We have a strong commitment to helping our young people develop their faith in Jesus Christ.  We are open to new ideas and have people who are willing to help incorporate new activities into our churches.
We welcome new members into our church family.